Tuesday 27 October 2009

Class Representatives

I attended a CPD session on evaluating curricular development after school last week and one of the ideas our working group came up with was the introduction of class representatives. As a result of this, my four classes at S2 and S3 level have each democratically elected 2 peers to represent them. I felt it was important to give the pupils the responsibility of electing the people involved rather than me selecting them.

The idea behind this is to develop a closer link between the pupils and myself in relation to learning and teaching in the classroom. If pupils within the class would prefer to learn in a different way (e.g. group work, pair work, reading, internet research) or are finding a specific area difficult and want further revision, they can speak to their representative confidentially who can raise the issue with me. If I am able to do something about it, I will and if not, I can provide feedback to the representative as to why not.

This is a pilot scheme and I hope it benefits the learning the pupils experience in my class.

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